Gear Lust
Always on the lookout for interesting Synths + Discrete / Class A Outboard..
Currently looking for / GearLust List : ( in no particular order )
Seems like most of the future Behringer Synths. including UBXA, DS80, MEMORYMOOG and possibly the ATMOS !!
Osmose’s ( game changer ), Yamaha CS40M, Baloran - THE River ( 8 voice ), Prophet 5 Rev 2 ( again ), Oberheim OBXa ( again ), Oberheim Matrix 12 / Xpander, Oberheim OBX ( again ), Oberheim OBMx ( again ), Moog ONE 16 voice, Yamaha Montage 88, PPG Wave 2.2 ( again, already had 2 ), PPG Wave 2.3, PPG 1020, PPG 1002, Moog Grandmother, Moog Memorymoog ( again ), Alesis Andromeda ( again ), Tiesco SX 400, Roland Jupiter 4 ( What a raw, great synth, one day again ), Sequential Prophet 6, Mini Moog Model D **, Mini Moog Model D re-issue , Waldorf Q+, Waldorf Wave, Waldorf XT ( again ) **, Roland Jupiter 6 Europa, Oberheim 4 voice, RSF Polykobol II **, Waldorf Quantum **, Polyvoks, RSF Kobol, ARP 2600, John Bowen, Solaris, Emu EII ( again ), Emu E III ( again )
Kush Clariphonic, Eventide Orville, Manley Vari Mu, Bricasti M7, MCI JH 528 Console…..
Prophet 5 rev 2
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Rev 2
Sweet SSM Filters and one of the most gorgeous looking and sounding synths ever made.
Waldorf Quantum
Waldorf Quantum
Granular, Wavetables, and dual analog filters, a very modern flagship synth with roots back to the ppg Wave, so can't wait to get one !
Behringer Model D
Behringer Model D
THE clone of the decade, a MINI Moog clone that is so close it hurts, I'm wanting 6 of these bad boys for a New Memory Moog / Poly Moog sound !
John Bowen Solaris
John Bowen Solaris
Now, as digital synths go, this is my kind of synth, epic, with analog style control and wonderful sounds.
ppg 1020
ppg 1020
Rare as rocking horse shit and sounds sublime, an amazing tone, must find one !
Baloran - THE River - WOW !!!!!
Moog One - Finally a true monster polyphonic Moog